2024年2月4日UFC格斗之夜235 – 直播[全程视频] 多利泽VS伊马沃夫_UFC Vegas 85: Dolidze vs Imavov – February 3

UFC Vegas 85.Main Card+Prelims

UFC格斗之夜:多利泽 VS 伊马沃夫前瞻

UFC格斗之夜:多利泽 VS 伊马沃夫将于北京时间2月4日在拉斯维加斯UFC Apex举行。本次赛事一共包括了6场主赛和7场副赛总共13场比赛,4日05点开始全程直播整场赛事。

中量级:罗曼-多利泽(Roman Dolidze)(#8) VS 纳苏尔丁-伊马沃夫(Nassourdine Imavov)(#11)
  • 罗曼-多利泽目前战绩为12胜2负,其中7次KO,3次降服获胜。多利泽在2020年签约UFC后打出了6胜2负的战绩,他在此前的一波4连胜中3次终结对手,击败了凯尔-道考斯(Kyle Daukaus)、菲尔-霍斯(Phil Hawes)以及杰克-赫尔曼森(Jack Hermansson),并且3次终结都拿到了“最佳表现”花红。不过在去年3月的比赛中,多利泽一致判定不敌前冠军挑战者马尔文-维托里(Marvin Vettori),连胜状态遭到终结。多利泽拥有出色的地面缠斗能力,曾赢得过2016年ADCC的99公斤级冠军,而近些年来他的站立打击技术也有明显的提高。多利泽原本应该在去年12月的UFC格斗之夜赛事中对阵前冠军挑战者杰瑞德-坎农尼尔(Jared Cannonier),但因为对手受伤退赛而被UFC安排了伊马沃夫作为新对手。
  • 2024年2月4日UFC格斗之夜235 – 直播[全程视频] 多利泽VS伊马沃夫_UFC Vegas 85: Dolidze vs Imavov – February 3
  • 纳苏尔丁-伊马沃夫目前战绩为12胜4负1无结果,其中5次KO,4次降服获胜。伊马沃夫与好友西里尔-盖恩(Ciryl Gane)在同一时期来到UFC,并在前5场比赛中赢下了4场,击败了几位瞩目新秀埃德蒙-沙巴赞(Edmen Shahbazyan)、伊恩-海涅什(Ian Heinisch)等,在中量级引起了一定的关注度。去年1月时,伊马沃夫领衔了自己在UFC的首场头条主赛,对手是后来成为冠军的肖恩-斯特里克兰(Sean Strickland),那场比赛同时也是伊马沃夫的轻重量级首秀,结果在打满五个回合后,他以一致判定输掉了比赛。6月时,伊马沃夫回到中量级对阵克里斯-柯蒂斯(Chris Curtis),却因为第二回合时头部冲撞了对手导致比赛以无结果收场。伊马沃夫去年一年都没有尝到过胜利的滋味,他需要通过一场胜利回到正轨上。
轻量级:雷纳托-莫伊卡诺(Renato Moicano)(#13) VS 德鲁-多博尔(Drew Dober)(#15)
  • 雷纳托-莫伊卡诺目前战绩为17胜5负1平,其中10次降服对手获胜。虽然莫伊卡诺所有的终结都是通过降服实现的,但他同时还拥有泰拳黑带,因此打击能力也不容小视。莫伊卡诺在2016-2018年间曾被广泛看好,他当时在来到UFC后进行的6场比赛中赢下了5场,仅输给了后来的冠军挑战者布莱恩-奥尔特加(Brian Ortega)。不过之后这位巴西选手的状态严重下滑,他在一连4场比赛中只赢下了1场,并被何塞-奥尔多(Jose Aldo)、郑赞成(Chan Sung Jung)等名将终结。之后莫伊卡诺的状态才有所回升,他在过去的4场比赛中只输给了前轻量级冠军拉斐尔-多斯-安乔斯(Rafael dos Anjos),并在上一场比赛中首回合裸绞降服了布拉德-里德尔(Brad Riddell)。
  • 德鲁-多博尔目前战绩为27胜12负1无结果,其中14次KO,6次降服获胜。多博尔已经征战UFC超过了10年的时间,并总是能打出一些高质量的对决,是各项最佳花红的常客。虽然他输给过本尼尔-大流士(Beneil Dariush)、伊斯兰姆-马哈切夫(Islam Makhachev)等顶级选手,但也在大多数比赛中都赢得了胜利。在过去的5场比赛中,多博尔赢下了4场并且全部实现了终结,其中与鲍比-格林(Bobby Green)一战还拿到了当晚的“最佳比赛”花红。多博尔多次进入轻量级榜单,是选手进入一线行列的看门人,也是轻量级最难被击败的人物之一。
次中量级:兰迪-布朗(Randy Brown) VS 穆斯里姆-萨利科夫(Muslim Salikhov)
  • 兰迪-布朗目前战绩为17胜5负,其中6次KO,5次降服获胜。布朗自2016年初签约UFC以来已经在八角笼内进行了16场比赛,他在最近几年里的状态非常出色,除了输给潜在的冠军挑战者文森特-卢奎(Vicente Luque)以及澳洲新星杰克-德拉-马达莱纳(Jack Della Maddalena)外,赢下了其余的7场比赛,击败了布莱恩-巴伯雷纳(Bryan Barberena)、亚历克斯-奥利维拉(Alex Oliveira)等对手。在最近的一场比赛中,布朗以一致判定战胜了惠灵顿-图曼(Wellington Turman),在过去的6场比赛中赢下了5场,继续获胜将十分有希望进入到次中量级的排名榜中。
  • 穆斯里姆-萨利科夫目前战绩为19胜4负,其中13次KO,2次降服获胜。萨利科夫是一位来自达吉斯坦的俄罗斯选手,但却以站立打击为主要风格,曾有过丰富的踢拳比赛记录。在2018-2021年间,这位年近40的老将在八角笼里打出了一波5连胜,其中比较知名的选手包括了巴西人埃利泽乌-多斯-桑托斯(Elizeu Zaleski Dos Santos)等,也因此一度进入到了排名榜中。2022年7月,萨利科夫迎战中国选手李景亮(Li Jingliang),结果在第二回合时被TKO终结。那之后他同样以TKO战胜了巴西选手安德烈-菲亚霍(Andre Fialho),不过在去年6月时又输给了丹麦名将尼古拉斯-达尔比(Nicolas Dalby),也彻底掉出了排名榜。
女子蝇量级:微微安妮-阿劳乌卓(Viviane Araujo)(#7) VS 娜塔莉娅-席尔瓦(Natalia Silva)(#9)
  • 维维安妮-阿劳乌卓目前战绩为12胜5负,其中3次KO,4次降服获胜。阿劳乌卓是一位以站立为主的选手,但也有巴西柔术黑带在身。虽然在与凯特琳-乔卡吉安(Katlyn Chookagian)、亚历克莎-格拉索(Alexa Grasso)这样顶级选手的对阵中都以失败告终,但她也已经在八角笼内赢得了6场胜利,击败了蒙塔娜-德-拉-罗萨(Montana De La Rosa)、罗克珊-莫达费里(Roxanne Modafferi)等知名选手,位列女子蝇量级的前十位。在去年10月的一场UFC格斗之夜赛事中,阿劳乌卓一致判定拿下了前冠军挑战者詹妮弗-玛雅(Jennifer Maia),导致对手被UFC释出。值得一提的是,阿劳乌卓在UFC还从未被终结过,她的4场败绩都是以判定输给了对手,但在胜绩方面也仅终结过对手1次。
  • 娜塔莉娅-席尔瓦目前战绩为16胜5负1平,其中5次KO,7次降服获胜。席尔瓦是巴西著名格斗组织Jungle Fight的前女子蝇量级冠军,同时她也在女子草量级有过多场比赛经历。在来到UFC之前,她曾在2017年时与现役UFC选手玛丽娜-罗德里格兹(Marina Rodriguez)有过交手记录,但最终被对手一致判定击败。2022年6月,席尔瓦签约了UFC,在至今为止的4场比赛中全部获胜,并凭借着后旋踢KO特蕾莎-布莱达(Tereza Bleda)拿到过“最佳表现”花红。在去年8月举行的UFC292中,席尔瓦通过一致判定战胜安德里娅-李(Andrea Lee)进入到了排名榜中,她目前的连胜场数已经达到了9场,并在此期间多次以手臂十字固降服对手。
中量级:阿利斯哈布-希兹里耶夫(Aliaskhab Khizriev) VS 马克穆德-穆拉多夫(Makhmud Muradov)
  • 阿利斯哈布-希兹里耶夫目前保持着12战全胜的职业战绩,其中5次KO,4次降服获胜。希兹里耶夫参加了2020年的第4季“白大拿的挑战者”选拔,仅仅用时50秒就降服了对手而被当场签下。然而直到2022年3月,他才进行了自己的UFC首秀,当晚他在第二回合以裸绞终结了丹尼斯-蒂柳林(Denis Tiuliulin),至今仍从未被击败过。除了地面技术外,希兹里耶夫的站立打击能力也不俗,他的5次KO/TKO大多发生在第一回合,在各个方面都十分危险。
  • 马克穆德-穆拉多夫目前战绩为26胜8负,其中17次KO,3次降服获胜。穆拉多夫在2017-2121年间曾打出了一波14场的惊人连胜,并且其中有3场发生在他于2019年签约UFC之后。在八角笼内,穆拉多夫已经战胜了特雷弗-史密斯(Trevor Smith)、安德鲁-桑切斯(Andrew Sanchez)等对手,并2次拿到了“最佳表现”花红。但之后穆拉多夫吃到了2连败,包括被地面高手杰拉德-米尔斯切特(Gerald Meerschaert)裸绞降服。去年7月,穆拉多夫凭借着一致判定战胜布莱恩-巴伯雷纳(Bryan Barberena)重新回到了胜利状态,他与希兹里耶夫的对决是本场赛事中最值得期待的较量之一。
次中量级:吉尔伯特-乌比纳(Gilbert Urbina) VS 查尔斯-拉特克(Charles Radtke)
  • 吉尔伯特-乌比纳目前战绩为7胜2负,其中2次KO,2次降服获胜。乌比纳参加了2021年的第29季“终极斗士”选拔,虽然在半决赛中就被淘汰,但幸运地获得了顶替受伤的决赛选手特里森-戈尔(Tresean Gore)的机会,不过在决赛中还是被布莱恩-贝托(Bryan Battle)降服击败。那之后乌比纳仅在去年5月参加了一场比赛,当时他通过第二回合的TKO击败了奥里恩-科斯(Orion Cosce),拿到了自己在UFC的首场胜利。
  • 查尔斯-拉特克目前战绩为8胜3负,其中3次KO,2次降服获胜。拉特克在去年9月刚刚来到UFC,他在当月于悉尼举行的UFC293中首次登场,并最终通过一致判定拿下了迈克-戴蒙德(Mike Mathetha),目前处于5连胜的状态中。拉特克在签约UFC之前在一些独立格斗组织中比赛,也曾打过一场Bellator比赛,在此期间他曾对阵过现役UFC选手奥斯丁-哈伯德(Austin Hubbard),但被一致判定击败。



中量级:罗曼-多利泽(Roman Dolidze)(#8) VS 纳苏尔丁-伊马沃夫(Nassourdine Imavov)(#11)
轻量级:雷纳托-莫伊卡诺(Renato Moicano)(#13) VS 德鲁-多博尔(Drew Dober)(#15)
次中量级:兰迪-布朗(Randy Brown) VS 穆斯里姆-萨利科夫(Muslim Salikhov)
女子蝇量级:微微安妮-阿劳乌卓(Viviane Araujo)(#7) VS 娜塔莉娅-席尔瓦(Natalia Silva)(#9)
中量级:阿利斯哈布-希兹里耶夫(Aliaskhab Khizriev) VS 马克穆德-穆拉多夫(Makhmud Muradov)
次中量级:吉尔伯特-乌比纳(Gilbert Urbina) VS 查尔斯-拉特克(Charles Radtke)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html


女子蝇量级:卢安娜-卡洛琳娜(Luana Carolina) VS 尤利娅-斯图里亚连科(Julija Stoliarenko)
女子草量级:莫莉-麦肯(Molly McCann) VS 迪安娜-贝尔比塔(Diana Belbita)
蝇量级:阿扎特-马克索姆(Azat Maksum) VS 查尔斯-约翰逊(Charles Johnson)
次中量级:特姆巴-戈林博(Themba Gorimbo) VS 皮特-罗德里格兹(Pete Rodriguez)
羽量级:李正永(Lee Jeong-yeong) VS 布莱克-比尔德(Blake Bilder)
轻量级:兰登--昆诺内斯(Landon Quinones) VS 马奎尔-梅德罗斯(Marquel Mederos)
重量级:托马斯-彼得森(Thomas Petersen) VS 贾马尔-波古斯(Jamal Pogues)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html


UFC Vegas 85: Dolidze vs Imavov - February 3 | Fight Promo

2024年2月4日UFC格斗之夜235 – 直播[全程视频] 多利泽VS伊马沃夫_UFC Vegas 85: Dolidze vs Imavov – February 3文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html

Top middleweight contenders meet at the UFC Apex in Las Vegas, Nevada to go head-to-head in a five round main event. Roman Dolidze looks for another highlight worthy fknockout against powerful finisher Nassourdine Imavov in a main event sure to bring the fireworks. Tune into the main card at 7pm ET / 4pm PT.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html

UFC Fight Night 235: Dolidze vs. Imavov (also known as UFC Vegas 85) is an upcoming mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship that will take place on February 3, 2024, at the UFC Apex facility, in Enterprise, Nevada, part of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area, United States.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html

Fight card


Main card(ESPN+)

Middleweight Roman Dolidze vs. Nassourdine Imavov
Lightweight Renato Moicano vs. Drew Dober
Welterweight Randy Brown vs. Muslim Salikhov
Middleweight Aliaskhab Khizriev vs. Makhmud Muradov
Welterweight Gilbert Urbina vs. Charles Radtke
Women's Flyweight Viviane Araújo vs. Natália Silva文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html

Preliminary card (ESPN+)

Women's Flyweight Luana Carolina vs. Julija Stoliarenko
Women's Strawweight Molly McCann vs. Diana Belbiţă
Flyweight Azat Maksum vs. Charles Johnson
Welterweight Themba Gorimbo vs. Pete Rodriguez
Featherweight Lee Jeong-yeong vs. Blake Bilder
Lightweight Landon Quiñones vs. Marquel Mederos
Heavyweight Thomas Petersen vs. Jamal Pogues文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/upcoming/67796.html


A middleweight bout between Roman Dolidze and Nassourdine Imavov is expected to headline the event.

A flyweight bout between Nate Maness and Azat Maksum was expected to take place at the event. However, Maness pulled out in early January due to injury and was replaced by former LFA Flyweight Champion Charles Johnson.

William Gomis was expected to face Melsik Baghdasaryan in a featherweight bout at this event. However, he pulled out due to undisclosed reasons in early January and it is unclear at the moment if Baghdasaryan will remain on the card.

Kiefer Crosbie and Themba Gorimbo were scheduled to meet in a welterweight bout. However on January 5, it was announced that Crosbie pulled out due to an injury. Pete Rodriguez was announced as the replacement.

A welterweight bout between Muslim Salikhov and Randy Brown is expected to take place at the event. The pairing was previously scheduled to meet at UFC 296 in last December, but Brown withdrew due to illness.

Fight By Fight Preview | UFC Fight Night: Dolidze vs Imavov

Delivering All The Details Ahead Of What Should Be A Busy And Entertaining Night At The UFC APEX On Saturday

By E. Spencer Kyte, on X (Twitter) @spencerkyte

Buckle up, folks, because this weekend kicks off an incredible stretch of 11 consecutive Saturdays featuring action inside the UFC Octagon.

Beginning with this Saturday’s event at the UFC APEX and culminating with UFC 300 in April, this run is bound to deliver changes and clarity to multiple divisions, elevating some athletes to new heights while others will be forced to deal with the bitter taste of defeat.

Let’s get into the finer details of the event that kicks off this run.

Main Event: Roman Dolidze vs Nassourdine Imavov

This weekend’s main event features a pair of ranked middleweights aiming to get things moving in the right direction to begin 2024.

After posting three wins in the final seven months of 2023 and running his overall winning streak to four, Dolidze made just one appearance last year, dropping a unanimous decision to perennial contender Marvin Vettori. He’s 6-2 inside the Octagon across two divisions, sports a 12-2 mark overall, and feels like a competitor that has more to show going forward.

The 28-year-old Imavov was hoping to have a more active and productive year in 2023 after competing just once the year before. While he doubled up his number of appearances, the results just weren’t there, as he dropped a main event assignment to late replacement Sean Strickland at the start of 2024, then had his fight with Chris Curtis in Vancouver halted early and ruled a no contest following an accidental clash of heads.

Both men are stationed in the Top 15 — Dolidze is No. 8, Imavov is No. 11 — and with changes at the top of the divisional hierarchy, there is no time like the present to orchestrate a strong performance and start moving forward again.

Other Main Card Fights

Renato Moicano vs Drew Dober

Some matchups bring an involuntary smile to my face when I think about them, and this is one of those matchups.

A rankings fixture at featherweight to begin his UFC tenure, Moicano has become the same at lightweight, posting a 4-2 record while adopting the “Money Moicano” moniker and chasing down exciting opportunities. He hasn’t competed since the close of 2022 when he dominated and finished Brad Riddell, but that absence should only mean greater focus and drive when he returns this weekend.

From bouncing to the Octagon with “This Is How We Do It” bumping to constantly being in entertaining battles, Dober is someone all fights fans love to see making the walk. The Nebraska native bounced back from his May loss to Matt Frevola with a first-round stoppage win over Ricky Glenn in November and has posted four wins (all finishes) in his last five outings.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the fireworks.

Randy Brown vs Muslim Salikhov

Originally scheduled to compete at UFC 296, Randy Brown and Muslim Salikhhov now clash this weekend at the UFC APEX.

Brown, who was forced out of the initial date due to illness, steps in having won five of his last six and seven of his last nine, with his two losses during that span coming to Jack Della Maddalena and Vicente Luque. That illustrates not only where “Rudeboy” stands in the division, but how far he’s come since first impressing the Lookin’ for a Fight crew all the way back in 2015.

After posting five straight victories earlier in his UFC tenure to vault into the rankings, the 39-year-old Salikhov might be starting to show signs of slowing down. Last time out, he dropped a unanimous decision to cardio machine Nicolas Dalby and, at 39 years of age, the spinning attacks don’t come as swiftly as they once did any longer.

This is an interesting measuring stick matchup for each man, as it should illustrate where each stands, not only in the division, but in their respective careers as we head into first extended run of events in 2024.

Viviane Araujo vs Natalia Silva

It’s a clash of Brazilian flyweight standouts here as Viviane Araujo faces off with Natalia Silva.

Araujo has lived on the cusp of contention since touching down in the UFC in the spring of 2019, posting a 6-4 record with wins over Roxanne Modafferi, Andrea Lee, and Jennifer Maia, and her setbacks all coming against ranked opponents, including current champ Alexa Grasso. Well-rounded and always in great shape, the Cerrado MMA representative has become the litmus test for hopefuls looking to climb the ranks and veterans aiming to show they’ve still got plenty to offer.

Silva firmly resides in the former of those two groups of fighters, having posted four straight wins to begin her UFC run, including a victory over Jasmine Jasudavicius that continues to age nicely. She turns 27 on fight night, has won 10 straight overall, and has flashed the kind of athleticism and striking acumen that makes her another intriguing, young talent climbing the ranks in the 125-pound weight class at the moment.

Will the veteran Araujo turn back her ambitious compatriot or can Silva take a big step forward in her quest to reach the top of the flyweight division?

Aliaskhab Khizriev vs Makhmud Muradov

Saturday’s other middleweight main card pairing is an intriguing clash between undefeated Dana White’s Contender Series (DWCS) graduate Aliaskhab Khizriev and divisional mainstay Mahkmud Muradov.

A member of the DWCS Class of 2020, Khirziev has made just one appearance inside the Octagon thus far, submitting Denis Tiuliulin in March 2022. “The Black Wolf” is unbeaten in 14 professional appearances with some familiar names on his resume but remains a mystery man in the division after having spent the better part of the last three years on the sidelines.

The 33-year-old Muradov makes his seventh UFC appearance this weekend, aiming to build on his decision win over Bryan Barberena last summer in London. A 34-fight veteran, the well-travelled middleweight has designs on working his way into the rankings in 2024, and starting the year by bouncing Khizriev from the ranks of the unbeaten would certainly help in those efforts.

Fights like this are fascinating to me because we know the level Muradov brings to the Octagon, what it takes to beat him, and what that says about those competitors. It’ll be interesting to see if Khizriev can become one of those select few on Saturday night.

Gilbert Urbina vs Charles Radtke

The main card kicks off in the welterweight division, as former TUF finalist Gilbert Urbina and East Coast regional veteran Charles Radtke share the Octagon.

Urbina stepped in to face Bryan Battle in the middleweight finals on Season 29 of The Ultimate Fighter, suffering a second-round submission loss in the summer of 2021. He resurfaced last year at welterweight, looking sharp while posting a dominant stoppage win over Orion Cosce to register his first UFC victory.

A champion under the CFFC banner before getting the call to the Octagon, Radtke debuted at UFC 293 in Sydney, getting the better of things in a hard-fought battle with Blood Diamond. Currently riding a five-fight winning streak, “Chuck Buffalo” now gets the opportunity to compete in the “Fight Capital of the World” for the first time.

Which of these two will follow up their initial UFC triumph with a second consecutive victory and who will start the year catching a loss?

Preliminary Card Fights

Molly McCann vs Diana Belbita

Strawweights wrap the prelims as Molly McCann and Diana Belbita make their 2024 debuts opposite one another.

McCann enters having dropped back-to-back contests, most recently getting submitted at home, quickly, in July, while the 27-year-old Belbita dropped a competitive decision to Karolina Kowalkiewicz in October after posting a victory in Vancouver in the summer.

Which divisional staple will right the ship to start the year?

Azat Maksum vs Charles Johnson

It’s an intriguing flyweight clash as unbeaten prospect Azat Maksum takes on veteran Charles Johnson on Saturday in Las Vegas.

Perfect through 17 pro fights, Maksum edged out Tyson Nam in his promotional debut in July. Johnson steps in for Nate Maness, eager to right the ship after dropping three straight.

This is a good test for the 28-year-old from Kazahkstan, who looks to move to 18-0 just like his countryman, Shavkat Rakhmonov.

Themba Gorimbo vs Pete Rodriguez

Themba Gorimbo and Pete Rodriguez meet in this welterweight matchup between competitors coming off wins in their sophomore appearances.

Gorimbo out-hustled Takashi Sato in May before becoming BFFs with "The Rock,” while Rodriguez moves back up to welterweight, filling in for Kiefer Crosbie and looking to build on his first-round stoppage win over Mike Jackson from November 2022.

Gorimbo has shown a more complete game, while Rodriguez looks to brandish more power and ferocity, so it’ll be curious to see whose approach prevails here.

JeongYeong Lee vs Blake Bilder

Road to UFC featherweight winner JeongYeong Lee faces off with Blake Bilder in this intriguing featherweight pairing.

Road to UFC featherweight winner JeongYeong Lee faces off with Blake Bilder in this intriguing featherweight pairing.

The 28-year-old Lee has won seven straight after edging out Yi Zha in February to win the featherweight competition. After winning his promotional debut in Australia that same month, Bilder dropped a decision to Kyle Nelson in his sophomore showing in June.

Can Lee maintain his moment or will Bilder shine in his first domestic UFC appearance?

Luana Carolina vs Julija Stoliarenko

Luana Carolina and Julija Stoliarenko meet in a clash of flyweight veterans on Saturday’s prelims.

Carolina moved to 4-3 inside the Octagon with a hard-fought decision win over Ivana Petrovic last fall in Paris, while Stoliarenko tapped out McCann in just under two minutes in her divisional debut in London in July.

Only one will build on their recent success and take another step forward, and finding out who that is should be all kinds of fun.

Landon Quiñones vs MarQuel Mederos

TUF alum Landon Quinones makes his second UFC start, welcoming recent DWCS grad MarQuel Mederos to the Octagon for the first time.

Quinones impressed in a short-notice, losing effort opposite Nasrat Haqparast at UFC 293 in Sydney, while Mederos posted a first-round knockout win over Issa Isakov in October to earn his place on the roster.

Expect an all-action affair when these two hungry lightweights step in on Saturday.

Thomas Petersen vs Jamal Pogues

DWCS alums Thomas Petersen and Jamal Pogues cross paths back at the APEX in this heavyweight fixture.

Petersen tapped out TUF alum Chandler Cole with a keylock to punch his ticket to the biggest stage in the sport, moving to 8-1 with the win. Pogues, who graduated a year earlier, won his debut in February, but dropped his sophomore outing against Mick Parkin in July.

Which heavyweight hopeful will start the year with a victory?

Rei Tsuruya vs Jiniushiyue

Rei Tsuruya and Jiniushiyue meet in the Road to UFC flyweight finale.

Just 21, Tsuraya is already 8-0 after beating Ronal Siahaan and Mark Climaco to advance to the finals. Not to be outdone, the 23-year-old Jiniushiyue bested former finalist SeungGuk Choi to earn his place here.

Both have shown a ton of promise, and regardless of the outcome, have bright futures in this sport.

Kaiwan vs Yi Zha

The featherweight finale of Road to UFC features Kaiwan and Yi Zha.

Sporting a 12-5 record overall, the 28-year-old Kaiwan stopped Lu Kai in the quarterfinals before out-hustling Koya Kanda on the scorecards in the semis. A finalist last season, Yi Zha dominated his opening matchup before claiming a unanimous decision victory in his semifinal pairing.

The two most experienced fighters in the bracket, this should be a competitive, entertaining claim to determine the featherweight tournament winner.

Rongzhu vs Shin Haraguchi

Rongzhu faces off with Shin Haraguchi in the Road to UFC lightweight tournament finals.

Still just 23, Rongzhu has gone 3-0 since exiting the UFC, including a pair of strong outings in his two previous tournament appearances. Unbeaten in eight pro bouts, Haraguchi looks to keep his “0” intact as he steps into the biggest fight of his career.

Will Rongzhu earn a second chance to compete inside the Octagon or will it be Haraguchi that claims victory and the UFC contract?

by hula8.net

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