2023年10月15日UFC格斗之夜230 – 直播[全程视频] UFC Fight Night 230/UFCVegas81 | Yusuff vs. Barboza – October 14


UFC格斗之夜:尤索夫 VS 巴博萨前瞻

羽量级:索迪克-尤索夫(Sodiq Yusuff)(#11) VS 埃德森-巴博萨(Edson Barboza)(#13)
  • 索迪克-尤索夫目前战绩为13胜2负,其中6次KO,1次降服获胜。尤索夫是从第2季“白大拿的挑战者”中选拔出的瞩目新秀,他在进入UFC后的7场比赛中赢下了6场,拿下了老将安德烈-菲利(Andre Fili)、亚历克斯-卡萨雷斯(Alex Caceres),并且3次终结获胜都发生在第一回合,是一位综合能力出色的选手。尤索夫目前唯一的败绩是在2021年4月时被英格兰新星阿诺德-艾伦(Arnold Allen)以一致判定击败。近来又取得了2连胜的尤索夫官方排名暂列第11位,继续获胜有望在竞争激烈的羽量级杀入前十。

  • 埃德森-巴博萨目前战绩为23胜11负,其中14次KO,1次降服获胜。现年37岁的巴博萨已经进入了职业生涯后期,他过去几年里一直往返于羽量级和轻量级比赛,但战绩平平,在此前的11场比赛中只赢下了4场。去年,在赢得了2连胜后,巴博萨接连遭遇了打击高手吉加-奇卡泽(Giga Chikadze)以及不败新星布莱斯-米歇尔(Bryce Mitchell),并且全部败北。不过他在今年4月时首回合膝击KO了比利-奎兰蒂洛(Billy Quarantillo),并凭此拿到了一份“最佳表现”花红。巴博萨的官方排名落后尤索夫2位,但依然是一位非常危险的选手。
女子蝇量级:詹妮弗-玛雅(Jennifer Maia)(#9) VS 维维安妮-阿劳乌卓(Viviane Araujo)(#11)
  • 詹妮弗-玛雅目前战绩为21胜9负1无结果,其中4次KO,5次降服获胜。玛雅在2020年时曾凭借首回合降服了头号挑战者乔安妮-伍德(Joanne Wood)而抢到了冠军挑战权,但在当年11月面对时任冠军瓦伦蒂娜-舍甫琴科(Valentina Shevchenko)时被一致判定击败。此后玛雅陷入了低谷,她吃到了一波2连败,输给了另一位前冠军挑战者凯特琳-乔卡吉安(Katlyn Chookagian)以及新星玛侬-菲奥罗特(Manon Fiorot),直到去年时才走出颓势,连续拿下了两场胜利,包括在今年3月时以一致判定送给了不败新秀凯西-奥尼尔(Casey O'Neill)生涯首败。玛雅虽然在八角笼内已经总计输掉了5场比赛,但她自2012年以来就再也没有被终结过,是一位技术全面的选手。

  • 维维安妮-阿劳乌卓目前战绩为11胜5负,其中3次KO,4次降服获胜。同样来自巴西的阿劳乌卓在UFC的前5场比赛中赢下了4场,并以判定击败了加拿大名将亚历克西斯-戴维斯(Alexis Davis)以及蒙塔娜-德-拉-罗萨(Montana De La Rosa)、罗克珊-莫达费里(Roxanne Modafferi)等对手,因此受到关注。但在面对排名榜前十的顶级选手时,阿劳乌卓却接连吃到败绩,除了在去年10月的一场头条大战中输给了后来的蝇量级冠军亚历克莎-格拉索(Alexa Grasso)外,还判定不敌凯特琳-乔卡吉安以及阿曼达-里巴斯(Amanda Ribas),官方排名掉出了前十。阿劳乌卓有出色的柔术技术,但她在八角笼内并没有太多的展示机会。
雏量级:乔纳森-马丁内兹(Jonathan Martinez)(#13) VS 阿德里安-亚内兹(Adrian Yanez)(#14)
  • 乔纳森-马丁内兹目前战绩为18胜4负,其中8次KO,1次降服获胜。马丁内兹是一位值得关注的雏量级潜力选手,他虽然在八角笼内输给过安德烈-尤厄尔(Andre Ewell)以及戴维-格兰特(Davey Grant),但几乎赢下了其他的所有比赛,在站立打击和地面缠斗中都不容小觑。在过去的5场比赛中,马丁内兹全部胜出,期间他TKO了卡布-斯旺森(Cub Swanson),并一致判定击败摔跤高手赛德-努尔马戈梅多夫(Said Nurmagomedov)。虽然终结率较低,但马丁内兹在各个方面都非常有竞争力。

  • 阿德里安-亚内兹目前战绩为16胜4负,其中10次KO,2次降服获胜。亚内兹在第4季“白大拿的挑战者”中被选中,而在签约UFC后,他一口气打出了5连胜,击败了兰迪-科斯塔(Randy Costa)、戴维-格兰特、托尼-凯利(Tony Kelley)等对手,并且5场胜利都拿到了最佳花红,比赛的观赏性极高。但在今年4月与罗布-冯特(Rob Font)的关键一战中,亚内兹被对手在首回合TKO击败,9连胜的状态遭到终结。亚内兹的KO/TKO终结率很高,但他同时还拥有巴西柔术黑带,这场与马丁内兹的雏量级对决非常值得期待。
中量级:安德烈-彼得罗斯基(Andre Petroski) VS 米歇尔-佩雷拉(Michel Pereira)
  • 安德烈-彼得罗斯基目前战绩为10胜1负,其中4次KO,4次降服获胜。彼得罗斯基拥有非常出色的摔跤技术,此外还有柔术棕带,在地面中十分危险。彼得罗斯基参加了第29季“终极斗士”的选拔,但止步于半决赛。不过在签约UFC后,他的战绩非常出色,在至今进行的5场比赛中全部获胜,并3次终结对手。在今年8月的比赛中,彼得罗斯基通过分歧判定击败了同样以地面技术闻名的杰拉德-米尔斯切特(Gerald Meerschaert)。本次他顶替退赛的马克-安德烈-巴里奥特(Marc-Andre Barriault)紧急上场,继续获胜有望进入到中量级的排名榜内。

  • 米歇尔-佩雷拉目前战绩为28胜11负2无结果,其中10次KO,7次降服获胜。佩雷拉有着非常令人兴奋的格斗风格,尽管在来到UFC初期连续输掉了2场比赛,但调整态度后他一口气赢得了5连胜,拿下了尼科-普莱斯(Niko Price)、安德烈-菲亚霍(Andre Fialho)以及阿根廷名将圣地亚哥-彭兹尼比奥(Santiago Ponzinibbio),并在最后的这场对决中拿到了当晚的“最佳比赛”花红。美中不足的是,佩雷拉近来已经4场比赛没能终结对手了,本次他与同为5连胜的彼得罗斯基之间的对决是一场势均力敌的较量。
蝇量级:埃德加-查雷兹(Edgar Chairez) VS 丹尼尔-拉塞尔达(Daniel Lacerda)
  • 埃德加-查雷兹目前战绩为10胜5负1无结果,其中4次KO,6次降服获胜。查雷兹是一位来自墨西哥的小将,他在今年签约UFC前有着丰富的比赛经历,并曾参加过去年“白大拿的挑战者”选拔。不过查雷兹在UFC的开局并不顺利,他在今年7月UFC290的八角笼首秀中以一直判定输给了日本新秀平良达朗(Tatsuro Taira),而后在9月与丹尼尔-拉塞尔达的比赛中又因为意外而以无结果收场。到目前仍未能在八角笼内拿到1胜的查雷兹本周末将在4个月内第3次登场,同时这也是与拉塞尔达的重赛。

  • 丹尼尔-拉塞尔达目前战绩为11胜5负1无结果,其中5次KO,6次降服获胜。拉塞尔达的状况要比查雷兹更加严峻,他除了在上一场比赛中与对手打成无结果外,还连续输掉了此前的4场比赛,输给的对手除了杰夫-莫利纳(Jeff Molina)等实力型选手外,还包括了戴维森-菲格雷多(Deiveson Figueiredo)的弟弟弗朗西斯科-菲格雷多(Francisco Figueiredo),更是在这4场连败中全部遭到了终结。这场比赛对于拉塞尔达来说到了必须获胜的地步,如果继续失败很可能被UFC解除合同。
雏量级:卡梅隆-赛曼(Cameron Saaiman) VS 克里斯蒂安-罗德里格兹(Christian Rodriguez)
  • 卡梅隆-赛曼目前保持着9战全胜的职业战绩,其中6次KO,1次降服获胜。赛曼在去年的“白大拿的挑战者”赛事中因KO了乔什-王-金(Josh Wang-Kim)而被白大拿签下,在不到一年的时间里先后3次出战,且都取得了胜利。在这3场连胜中,赛曼两次通过TKO终结对手,并凭此拿到了一份“最佳表现”花红。而多数判定险胜莱奥马纳-马丁内兹(Leomana Martinez)的胜利,还是在他被发掉了1分的情况下取得的,因此赛曼的综合实力非常出色,但仍有待考验。

  • 克里斯蒂安-罗德里格兹目前战绩为9胜1负,其中3次KO,4次降服获胜。罗德里格兹参加了第5季“白大拿的挑战者”,虽然以一致判定击败了对手,但并没能被当场签下。去年2月,他携7战全胜的战绩来到UFC,但在首秀中一致判定不敌乔纳森-皮尔斯(Jonathan Pearce)。之后罗德里格兹连续赢下了两场比赛,除了首回合降服约书亚-威姆斯(Joshua Weems)外,另一场就是在今年4月时令人印象深刻地判定击败了颇受关注的墨西哥新秀拉乌-罗萨斯(Raul Rosas Jr),送给了对手职业生涯首败。
雏量级:克里斯-古铁雷斯(Chris Gutierrez)(#15) VS 阿拉腾黑力(Alateng Heili)
  • 阿拉腾黑力目前战绩为16胜8负2平,其中5次KO,3次降服获胜。阿拉腾黑力与敖日其楞在同一时期签约UFC,但战绩却更为出色,他在至今为止的6场比赛中赢下了4场,并且目前正处于2连胜的状态中。阿拉腾黑力在去年4月时首回合47秒KO了凯文-克鲁姆( Kevin Croom),这是他职业生涯中最快的终结速度。阿拉腾黑力目前在UFC的唯一败绩是被凯西-肯尼(Casey Kenney)以一致判定击败,此外他还有一场平局记录,在两年前与古斯塔沃-洛佩兹(Gustavo Lopez)的对阵中由于遭到罚分而以一致判定和对手打平。

  • 克里斯-古铁雷斯目前战绩为19胜5负2平,其中9次KO,1次降服获胜。古铁雷斯在2018年底时来到UFC,但在首秀中被劳尼-巴塞洛斯(Raoni Barcelos)裸绞降服。那之后古铁雷斯打出了7胜1平的出色战绩,在这期间他战胜了安德烈-尤厄尔(Andre Ewell)、菲利佩-科拉雷斯(Felipe Colares)等对手,而其中最为知名的一战就是在弗兰奇-埃德加(Frankie Edgar)的退役战中KO了这位前轻量级冠军。不过古铁雷斯输掉了最近的一场比赛,他在今年4月时一致判定不敌佩德罗-穆尼奥兹(Pedro Munhoz),位列官方排名榜第15位。古铁雷斯原本应该在本次赛事中对阵蒙特尔-杰克逊(Montel Jackson),但对手退赛。



羽量级:索迪克-尤索夫(Sodiq Yusuff)(#11) VS 埃德森-巴博萨(Edson Barboza)(#13)
女子蝇量级:詹妮弗-玛雅(Jennifer Maia)(#9) VS 维维安妮-阿劳乌卓(Viviane Araujo)(#11)
雏量级:乔纳森-马丁内兹(Jonathan Martinez)(#13) VS 阿德里安-亚内兹(Adrian Yanez)(#14)
中量级:安德烈-彼得罗斯基(Andre Petroski) VS 米歇尔-佩雷拉(Michel Pereira)
蝇量级:埃德加-查雷兹(Edgar Chairez) VS 丹尼尔-拉塞尔达(Daniel Lacerda)
雏量级:克里斯蒂安-罗德里格兹(Cameron Saaiman) VS 卡梅隆-赛曼(Christian Rodriguez)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html


羽量级:达伦-埃尔金斯(Darren Elkins) VS TJ-布朗(TJ Brown)
女子雏量级:泰娜拉-利斯博娅(Tainara Lisboa) VS 拉文娜-奥利维拉(Ravena Oliveira)
轻量级:特伦斯-麦金尼(Terrance McKinney) VS 布伦丹-马洛特(Brendan Marotte)
女子雏量级:伊琳娜-阿列克谢娃(Irina Alekseeva) VS 梅丽莎-迪克逊(Melissa Dixon)
雏量级:克里斯-古铁雷斯(Chris Gutierrez)(#15) VS 阿拉腾黑力(Alateng Heili)
女子草量级:阿什莉-约德尔(Ashley Yoder) VS 艾米丽-杜科特(Emily Ducote)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

2023年10月15日UFC格斗之夜230 – 直播[全程视频] UFC Fight Night 230/UFCVegas81 | Yusuff vs. Barboza  – October 14文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

2023年10月15日UFC格斗之夜230 – 直播[全程视频] UFC Fight Night 230/UFCVegas81 | Yusuff vs. Barboza  – October 14文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

UFC Fight Night 230: Yusuff vs. Barboza (also known as UFC Vegas 81) is an upcoming mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship that will take place on October 14, 2023, at the UFC Apex facility in Enterprise, Nevada, part of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area, United States.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

Fight card

Main Card (ESPN+)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

Featherweight Sodiq Yusuff vs. Edson Barboza
Flyweight Jennifer Maia vs. Viviane Araújo
Bantamweight Jonathan Martinez vs. Adrian Yanez
Middleweight Michel Pereira vs. Andre Petroski
Flyweight Edgar Cháirez vs. Daniel Lacerda
Bantamweight Cameron Saaiman vs. Christian Rodriguez文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

Preliminary card (ESPN / ESPN+)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html

Featherweight Darren Elkins vs. T.J. Brown
BantamweightTainara Lisboa vs. Ravena Oliveira
Lightweight Terrance McKinney vs. Brendan Marotte
Bantamweight Irina Alekseeva vs. Melissa Dixon
Bantamweight Chris Gutiérrez vs. Alateng Heili
Strawweight Ashley Yoder vs. Emily Ducote文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/ufc-fight-night/63447.html


2023年10月15日UFC格斗之夜230 – 直播[全程视频] UFC Fight Night 230/UFCVegas81 | Yusuff vs. Barboza  – October 14

A featherweight bout between Sodiq Yusuff and Edson Barboza is expected to headline the event. They were previously expected to meet at UFC Fight Night: Moraes vs. Sandhagen in October 2020, but Yusuff pulled out due to undisclosed reasons.

A bantamweight bout between Cameron Saaiman and Christian Rodriguez is expected to take place at the event. The pairing was previously scheduled to meet at UFC 290 in July, but Rodriguez pulled out due to injury.

A women's bantamweight bout between Tainara Lisboa and Darya Zheleznyakova was scheduled for the event. However, Zheleznyakova was removed due to undisclosed reasons and replaced by Ravena Oliveira.

A flyweight bout between Tatsuro Taira and David Dvořák was expected to take place at the event. However, the bout was cancelled for unknown reasons.

A middleweight bout between Michel Pereira and Marc-André Barriault was expected to take place at the event. However, Barriault withdrew due to medical issues and was replaced by Andre Petroski.

A lightweight bout between Terrance McKinney and Chris Duncan was expected to take place at the event. However, Duncan withdrew due to visa issues and was replaced by promotional newcomer Brendon Marotte.

Fight By Fight Preview | UFC Fight Night: Yusuff vs Barboza

Take A Closer Look At Every Fight Happening This Weekend At The UFC APEX.

By E. Spencer Kyte, on X @SpencerKyte

The UFC’s four-week run of home games and three-event stay at the APEX come to a close this weekend with a 12-fight slate headlined by an electric featherweight matchup between Sodiq Yusuff and Edson Barboza.

Backed by fights between ranked competitors at flyweight and bantamweight, and featuring several additional must-see matchups, Saturday’s fight card is a quality assemblage of talent that should serve as a fitting send-off before the action shifts to Etihad Arena in Abu Dhabi and UFC 294 next weekend.

Here’s a closer look at what’s on tap this weekend in the latest edition of the Fight-By-Fight Preview.

Main Event: Sodiq Yusuff vs Edson Barboza
  • Ranked featherweights occupy the main event position this week, as Sodiq Yusuff takes on Edson Barboza.

  • Fighting for the first time in just over a year, Yusuff enters on a two-fight winning streak and having posted a 6-1 record to begin his UFC tenure. The Dana White’s Contender Series (DWCS) graduate owns wins over Andre Fili and Alex Caceres but has been delayed in his attempts to ascend the rankings by injuries and untimely opponent changes.

  • After well over a decade competing against the top talent across two different divisions, Barboza remains a dangerous threat into his late 30s. The Brazilian veteran snapped a two-fight skid with a second-round knockout win over Billy Quarantillo earlier this year that reminded everyone that he’s still an ever-present threat in the 145-pound weight class.

  • This is both a difficult assignment and the perfect pairing for Yusuff to return to, as the 30-year-old Nigerian has been hovering just outside the Top 10 for a couple years and would benefit greatly from adding a win over Barboza to his resume. Despite closing in on 38 years old, Barboza is still lightning quick, especially with his knees and kicks, and the kind of battle-tested stalwart that is capable of giving anyone in the Top 15 a tough fight whenever he steps into the Octagon.

  • Will Yusuff return and keep moving forward or can Barboza collect a second straight win to begin working his way back towards the Top 10?
Jennifer Maia vs Viviane Araujo
  • Brazilian veterans clash in the co-main event of the evening, with Jennifer Maia facing off against Viviane Araujo this weekend.

  • Now in her sixth year on the UFC roster, Maia has carved out a spot for herself in the flyweight division, serving as the well-rounded, experienced “truth machine” ascending fighters need to get through in order to move into contention. Her losses have all come against Top 5 opponents and in her last two outings, the 35-year-old has out-worked younger hopefuls Maryna Moroz and Casey O’Neill.

  • Araujo is not quite two full years older than Maia and while her opponent has challenged for UFC gold and only lost to Top 5 opponents, Araujo hasn’t been able to reach those same heights, but remains entrenched in the Top 15 and is a tough out for everyone that steps in opposite her.

  • Things at the top of the flyweight division are currently paused, which means there are opportunities for the winner of this one to work their way into even bigger matchups over the next 9-12 months as everyone jockeys for position in the championship chase. Expect a competitive battle at the APEX.
Jonathan Martinez vs Adrian Yanez
  • One of three bantamweight bangers on the schedule this weekend, Jonathan Martinez and Adrian Yanez square off in a battle of ranked fighters looking to take another step forward in the ultra-competitive division.

  • The soft-spoken Martinez has become one to watch in the 135-pound ranks over the past couple years, cobbling together a five-fight winning streak heading into Saturday’s clash with Yanez. After chopping down Cub Swanson last October, the 29-year-old “Dragon” outworked Said Nurmagomedov in March to force his way into the rankings and force people to start to pay closer attention to him as he works his way up the divisional ladder.

  • One of the top graduates from Season 3 of Dana White’s Contender Series, Yanez rattled off five straight wins to begin his UFC tenure, vaulting himself into the rankings and onto the radar as an ascending bantamweight to watch. The Texas native took a step up in competition last time out and faltered, suffering a first-round stoppage loss to Rob Font, and now returns to the friendly confines of the UFC APEX, where he’s 5-0 with four finishes, to face off with Martinez.

  • This is one of those interesting matchups where Martinez is ranked higher, entering on a more significant run of success, and yet Yanez is the one that thus far commands greater attention. Martinez is a more varied and diverse striker under Marc Montoya at Factory X, while Yanez prefers to box and has flashed swift combinations and good power.

  • The action in the bantamweight division is always electric and the competition to climb the ranks is always fierce, which means this should be an incredible clash in the middle of the main card this weekend.
Andre Petroski vs Michel Pereira
  • Former ranked welterweight Michel Pereira makes his first UFC appearance at middleweight this weekend, facing off with Andre Petroski, who steps up on short notice to face the Brazilian.

  • Pereira has won five straight heading into the weekend but is moving up after missing weight ahead of his scheduled showdown with Stephen “Wonderboy” Thompson at UFC 291 at the end of July. The 30-year-old has dialed back his wildness since the early days of his UFC tenure, and it will be interesting to see how his speed and power translate up a division at this level.

  • Petroski also heads into Saturday on a five-fight winning streak, having begun his post-TUF run with three straight finishes before registering decision wins in each of his last two outings. The Philadelphia-based grappler trains under Daniel Gracie and John Marquez alongside Joe Pyfer and Sean Brady, the former who just won last weekend and the latter of whom is starting to ramp up for his return to action.

  • This is going to be a fascinating clash between a powerful, dynamic striker and a gritty, suffocating wrestler that is likely to come down to who is able to impose their will and execute their offense more consistently. Pereira always looked huge at welterweight; now we’ll see how he measures up against a streaking middleweight.
Edgar Chairez vs Daniel Lacerda
  • Edgar Chairez and Daniel Lacerda run it back after their meeting on September 16 was unfortunately stopped prematurely

  • A DWCS alum who was called up to the roster on short notice and gave a good account of himself opposite Tatsuro Taira, Chairez won each of his two fights between his Contender Series appearance and debut opposite Taira by stoppage, including his viral fourth-round submission win over Gianni Vazquez.

  • A bundle of kinetic energy that has shown flashes of upside in each of his first four UFC appearances, Lacerda returns to the APEX still searching for his first victory inside the Octagon. He’s had several opponents hurt or in vulnerable positions over his first four appearances but has yet to find a way to seal the deal, and may be staring down his last chance this weekend.

  • Lacerda initially showed more patience in their first meeting, but Chairez was able to attack the neck with a standing D’arce choke along the fence. The bout was halted prematurely when referee Chris Tognoni thought the Brazilian has passed out, and now they get a do-over on Saturday.
Christian Rodriguez vs Cameron Saaiman
  • Saturday’s main card action kicks off in the bantamweight division with an incredible matchup between promising youngsters Christian Rodriguez and Cameron Saaiman.

  • The 25-year-old Rodriguez wasn’t offered a UFC contract following his DWCS win in 2021, but quickly found himself in the Octagon for a short-notice fight up a division against Jonathan Pearce. Since dropping that contest and returning to the bantamweight ranks, “CeeRod” has posted consecutive victories, making quick work of Joshua Weems before big brother’ing Raul Rosas Jr. last time out.

  • A perfect 9-0 to start his career, the 22-year-old Saaiman earned a third-round stoppage win on DWCS to garner his place on the UFC roster, and has since added a trio of victories inside the Octagon to establish himself as one of the top Under 25 talents in the UFC. Last time out, the South African dispatched Terrence Mitchell with relative ease at UFC 290.

  • These two were slated to face off at that July pay-per-view before Rodriguez was forced to withdraw, so it’s great to see them paired together again. This is a tremendous matchup between two of the best emerging fighters in the 135-pound weight class, and the winner will be poised to take a big step forward in 2024, while the vanquished competitor will remain a name to track in the future as well.

Preliminary Card Fights

Darren Elkins vs TJ Brown
  • Featherweights wrap the prelims as Darren Elkins returns to action opposite DWCS graduate TJ Brown.

  • Elkins makes his 28th appearance inside the Octagon this weekend, looking to bounce back after being on the business end of things against Jonathan Pearce last December. Brown has struggled to find consistency since reaching the UFC level, losing two, then winning two before alternating between losses and victories over his last three outings.

  • This should be a knock-down, drag-out affair between two gutsy, grimy fighters looking to show they’ve still got something to offer in the 145-pound weight class.
Tainara Lisboa vs Ravena Oliveira
  • It’s an all-Brazilian matchup in the bantamweight division as Tainara Lisboa welcomes Ravena Oliveira to the Octagon for the first time.

  • Lisboa debuted with an impressive third-round stoppage win over Jessica-Rose Clark in May, dominating the action on the feet and in the clinch before submitting the popular Australian late in the third. Oliveira steps in for Darya Zheleznyakova looking to build on her 7-1-1 record as she makes her UFC debut this weekend.
Terrance McKinney vs Brendon Marotte
  • Terrance McKinney makes his fourth start of the year on Saturday, facing off with short-notice newcomer Brendon Marotte in a preliminary card clash in the lightweight division.

  • The 29-year-old McKinney has been hit-and-miss since debuting with a seven-second knockout win over Matt Frevola in the summer of 2021, posting a 3-3 record over his last six fights. He halted a two-fight skid with a first-round finish of Mike Breeden in August and will look to keep the momentum going this weekend as he steps in with Marotte.

  • A member of the New England Cartel, Marotte was in the right place — Las Vegas — at the right time to step in and replace Chris Duncan. “The Kid” is 8-1 overall and riding a three-fight winning streak, and he looks to do to McKinney what “T.Wrecks” did to “The Steamrolla” when given the same opportunity.

  • Fights like this are always intriguing as McKinney has a ton of natural talent and upside, but has struggled to regulate his output and be defensively responsible at times. This is a chance to make a splash, win or lose, for Marotte, so don’t be surprised if the 26-year-old comes out looking to shock some people this weekend.
Irina Alekseeva vs Melissa Dixon
  • “Russian Ronda” Irina Alekseeva looks to build on her successful debut when she squares off with promotional newcomer Melissa Dixon on Saturday’s prelims.

  • The flamboyant Alekseeva scored a first-round submission win over Stephanie Egger in her first appearance in the Octagon, though she missed weight by a considerable amount for the bantamweight contest. The 32-year-old Dixon is a perfect 5-0 to start her professional career, most recently having registered a first-round stoppage win over the aforementioned Zheleznyakova under the Ares FC banner in France.
Chris Gutierrez vs Alatangheili
  • Chris Gutierrez gets to put his training camp to use this weekend as he steps in to face off with Chinese veteran Alatangheili on Saturday.

  • Gutierrez was scheduled to face Montel Jackson on last weekend’s card before the DWCS grad was forced out for undisclosed reasons at the start of the week, and looks to get things moving in the right direction again after having his eight-fight unbeaten streak snapped last time out. Alatangheili was initially scheduled to Rani Yahya before the Brazilian withdrew, and now faces “El Guapo” in hopes of adding to his two-fight winning streak and three-fight unbeaten streak in this one.
Ashley Yoder vs Emily Ducote
  • Saturday’s action gets underway in the strawweight division as Ashley Yoder faces off with Emily Ducote.

  • The 35-year-old Yoder makes her 11th UFC start, looking to snap a two-fight losing streak and register her first victory since beating Miranda Granger in November 2020. Ducote looked sharp in her promotional debut last summer on Long Island, out-working Jessica Penne, but has since dropped back-to-back decisions to Angela Hill and Loopy Godinez to fall to 12-8 for her career.

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