当地时间2017年5月13日UFC 211期在德克萨斯州达拉斯举行,全部12场共出现了5次KO与1次降服。
【中文解说】米欧奇、玛雅\EDGAR、ET乔安娜 -比赛
UFC211:米欧奇首回合KO桑托斯 乔安娜压倒性优势卫冕
斯蒂普-米欧奇(Stipe Miocic) VS 多斯-桑托斯(Junior Dos Santos)的重量级二番战只用了不到一个回合就分出了胜负。比赛一开始米欧奇就一直主动追着桑托斯进攻,在2分20秒左右时,他在笼边以一记右手重拳击倒了桑托斯,随后的连续追击使得裁判终止了比赛,场面与去年他KO法布雷西欧-温盾(Fabricio Werdum)夺冠时非常相似。这样一来,米欧奇就连续2次成功卫冕UFC重量级冠军头衔,追平了UFC史上重量级冠军最高卫冕次数。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
乔安娜-耶德尔泽西克(Joanna Jedrzejczyk) VS 杰西卡-安德拉德(Jessica Andrade)的草量级冠军战非常精彩。第一回合,安德拉德利用近身击打给乔安娜造成了一定的伤害,但可惜并未能击倒对手。第二回合,有所缓和的乔安娜逐渐找回了状态,在场面上开始逆转。后面三个回合,安德拉德完全陷入到了乔安娜的节奏中,虽然始终主动进攻,但在有效打击次数上仅有对手的三分之一。最终五个回合战罢,乔安娜以巨大的优势一致判定获胜,连续第5次卫冕UFC女子草量级冠军头衔。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
德米安-玛雅(Demian Maia)与豪尔赫-马斯威达尔(Jorge Masvidal)的对决是当晚场面最为接近的一场比赛。第一回合,玛雅利用拿背后的长时间压制和击打占据了明显的优势,但在回合结束前,豪尔赫抓住机会对他进行了议论地面砸击,并造成玛雅面部出血。第二回合,豪尔赫发挥了自己在站立打击方面的优势,在各项数据上压制住了玛雅赢回一局。最后一回合,双方互有攻守,不过玛雅利用柔术和地面的缠斗稍占上风。最终玛雅以分歧判定险胜豪尔赫,取得了7连胜,很有可能成为下一个冠军挑战者。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
弗兰基-埃德加(Frankie Edgar)在与墨西哥小将亚尔-罗德里格兹(Yair Rodriguez)的羽量级对决中再次展现出了压倒性的优势。他在第一回合就通过地面的上位压制和连续的击打重创了罗德里格兹,使得对手面部出血。第二回合中段,罗德里格兹抓住了机会险些对埃德加使出膝部十字固,遗憾的是被对手巧妙化解,而他自己则继续遭受重击。该回合结束后,由于罗德里格兹左眼严重肿胀封闭了视线,因此裁判终止了比赛,判定埃德加以TKO获胜。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
艾迪-阿尔瓦瑞兹(Eddie Alvarez) VS 达斯汀-普瓦里尔(Dustin Poirier)的轻量级对决则一场精彩。在经过了试探性和波澜不惊的首回合后,两人在第二回合火力全开,都对对手造成了严重的伤害,但可惜谁都未能终结比赛。而在回合结束前48秒时,阿尔瓦瑞兹在普瓦里尔双手着地时对他使出了一记违规的膝击,导致比赛中断。而由于医生认为普瓦里尔不适合继续比赛,因此比赛就此以无结果告终。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
“最佳比赛”花红颁给了副赛中蔡斯-谢尔曼(Chase Sherman) VS 拉沙德-科尔特(Rashad Coulter)的重量级对决,两个“最佳表现”花红被斯蒂普-米欧奇和杰森-奈特(Jason Knight)分享。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
重量级冠军战:斯蒂普-米欧奇(Stipe Miocic)(C。) 胜 多斯-桑托斯(Junior Dos Santos)(#4)文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/ufc/30529.html
女子草量级冠军战:乔安娜-耶德尔泽西克(Joanna Jedrzejczyk)(C。) 胜 杰西卡-安德拉德(Jessica Andrade)(#3)
次中量级:德米安-玛雅(Demian Maia)(#3) 胜 豪尔赫-马斯威达尔(Jorge Masvidal)(#5)
羽量级:弗兰基-埃德加(Frankie Edgar)(#2) 胜 亚尔-罗德里格兹(Yair Rodriguez)(#7)
中量级:克日什托夫-乔特科(Krzysztof Jotko)(#9) 负 戴维-布兰奇(Dave Branch)
轻量级:艾迪-阿尔瓦瑞兹(Eddie Alvarez)(#3) 无结果 达斯汀-普瓦里尔(Dustin Poirier)(#9)
羽量级:查斯-史盖利(Chas Skelly) 负 杰森-奈特(Jason Knight)
轻量级:马可波罗-雷耶斯(Marco Polo Reyes) 负 詹姆斯-维克(James Vick)
女子草量级:杰西卡-阿圭拉(Jessica Aguilar)(#12) 负 科特尼-凯西(Cortney Casey)
重量级:蔡斯-谢尔曼(Chase Sherman) 胜 拉沙德-科尔特(Rashad Coulter)
羽量级:加布里埃尔-贝尼特斯(Gabriel Benitez) 负 恩里克-贝佐拉(Enrique Barzola)
轻重量级:约阿希姆-克里斯坦森(Joachim Christensen) 负 盖兹穆拉德-安提古拉夫(Gadzhimurad Antigulov)
头条主赛是重量级的现役冠军“战斗队”斯蒂普·米欧奇(Stipe Miocic)对阵“小菊”朱尼尔·多斯桑托斯(Junior dos Santos)的2番战,这也是两人的二番复仇战。联合主赛是UFC女子草量级冠军乔安娜·耶德尔泽西克(Joanna Jedrzejczyk)对阵杰西卡·安德拉德(Jessica Andrade)。另外次中量级中排名第三位的德米安·玛雅(Demian Maia)迎战第五位的豪尔赫·马斯维达尔(Jorge Masvidal)。两位前UFC的轻量级冠军弗兰基·埃德加(Frankie Edgar)和艾迪·阿尔瓦瑞兹(EddieAlvarez)都进入到这个阵容,埃德加应战羽量级排名第九位的亚里·罗德里格斯 (Yair Rodríguez)以及阿尔瓦瑞兹应战轻量级第十位的达斯汀·普瓦里尔(Dustin Poirier)。
前UFC重量级冠军法布里西奥·温盾(Fabricio Werdum )对阵美国悍将本·罗斯威尔(Ben Rothwell)。法布里西奥·温盾(21-6-1,6K,10S)早期在日本PRIDE赛事表现不错,但是算不上大牌明星。2007年参加UFC打了4场比赛2胜2负,2008年10月被朱尼奥·多斯·桑托斯首局KO后离开八角笼转战Strikeforce赛场。2010年对阵PRIDE重量级冠军曾经无敌的“格斗沙皇”菲多·艾米连科(Fedor Emelianenko)爆冷在首回合三角绞降服获胜,2011年点数负于“毁灭者”阿里斯泰尔·欧沃瑞姆(Alistair Overeem)。2012年又回归UFC赛场并且取得6连胜,其中在2014年第二局KO马克·亨特(Mark Hunt)夺得UFC重量级临时冠军,2015年第三局降服凯恩·维拉奎兹(Cain Velasquez)成为UFC重量级正式冠军。遗憾在去年5月份的首场卫冕战,被斯蒂普·米欧奇第一回合KO告负丢掉冠军金腰带,刚刚在9月份点数战胜特拉维斯·布朗(Travis Browne),温盾目前在UFC官方排名重量级第1位。
本·罗斯威尔(36-10,20K,13S)在2009年以30胜6负的成绩参加UFC赛事,此前都是一胜一负的频率表现一般,在2013年1月份被加布里埃尔·贡扎加(Gabriel Gonzaga)降服告负后,到去年开始取得一波4连胜,分别TKO了布兰登·维拉(Brandon Vera)和“毁灭者”欧沃瑞姆,降服了马特·米特里奥(Matt Mitrione)和前冠军乔什·巴奈特(Josh Barnett)。遗憾刚刚在去年4月份点数负于朱尼奥·多斯·桑托斯,罗斯威尔目前在UFC官方排名重量级第5位。
UFC 211: Miocic vs. dos Santos 2 was a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship held on May 13, 2017, at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.
The event was the fourth that the UFC has hosted in Dallas, following UFC 185 in March 2015, UFC 171 in March 2014, and UFC 103 in September 2009.
A UFC Heavyweight Championship bout between current champion Stipe Miocic and former champion Junior dos Santos served as the main event.The pairing met previously in December 2014 at UFC on Fox: dos Santos vs. Miocic, with dos Santos winning by a close unanimous decision.
In the co-featured slot, a UFC Women's Strawweight Championship bout between current champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk and Jéssica Andrade took place.
A heavyweight bout between former heavyweight champion Fabrício Werdum and Ben Rothwell was originally booked for UFC 203. However, Rothwell pulled out due to a knee injury. The fight was expected to take place at this event. The pairing was scrapped after Rothwell was flagged by USADA for a potential anti-doping violation.
A welterweight bout between former UFC Middleweight Championship challenger Demian Maia and Jorge Masvidal was originally targeted to headline UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Lobov. However, in late February, it was announced that the bout was moved to this event.
Jarjis Danho was expected to face promotional newcomer Dmitry Poberezhets at the event. However, Danho pulled out of the fight in mid-April citing an injury. He was replaced by Chase Sherman.In turn, Poberezhets was removed from the card for undisclosed reasons and was replaced by fellow newcomer Rashad Coulter.
The 2008 Olympic gold medalist in freestyle wrestling and former UFC Flyweight Championship challenger Henry Cejudo was expected to face Sergio Pettis at the event. However, on May 10, it was announced that Cejudo suffered a hand injury and the bout was canceled.
A featherweight bout between promotional newcomers, Jared Gordon and Michel Quiñones was expected for the event. However, Gordon pulled out of the fight on the day before the event due to stomach illness and as a result, Quiñones was removed from the card.
Main Card | |||||||
Weight class | Method | Round | Time | Notes | |||
Heavyweight | Stipe Miocic (c) | def. | Junior dos Santos | TKO (punches) | 1 | 2:22 | [a] |
Women's Strawweight | Joanna Jędrzejczyk (c) | def. | Jéssica Andrade | Decision (unanimous) (50–45, 50–44, 50–45) | 5 | 5:00 | [b] |
Welterweight | Demian Maia | def. | Jorge Masvidal | Decision (split) (29–28, 28–29, 29–28) | 3 | 5:00 | [c] |
Featherweight | Frankie Edgar | def. | Yair Rodríguez | TKO (doctor stoppage) | 2 | 5:00 | |
Middleweight | David Branch | def. | Krzysztof Jotko | Decision (split) (29–28, 28–29, 29–28) | 3 | 5:00 | |
Preliminary Card (FX) | |||||||
Lightweight | Eddie Alvarez | vs. | Dustin Poirier | No Contest (illegal knees) | 2 | 4:12 | [d] |
Featherweight | Jason Knight | def. | Chas Skelly | TKO (punches) | 3 | 0:39 | |
Heavyweight | Chase Sherman | def. | Rashad Coulter | TKO (elbow) | 2 | 3:36 | |
Lightweight | James Vick | def. | Polo Reyes | TKO (punches) | 1 | 2:39 | |
Preliminary Card (UFC Fight Pass) | |||||||
Women's Strawweight | Cortney Casey | def. | Jessica Aguilar | Decision (unanimous) (30–27, 30–27, 30–27) | 3 | 5:00 | [e] |
Featherweight | Enrique Barzola | def. | Gabriel Benítez | Decision (unanimous) (29–28, 29–28, 29–28) | 3 | 5:00 | |
Light Heavyweight | Gadzhimurad Antigulov | def. | Joachim Christensen | Submission (rear-naked choke) | 1 | 2:21 |
- ^ For the UFC Heavyweight Championship.
- ^ For the UFC Women's Strawweight Championship.
- ^ UFC Welterweight title eliminator
- ^ Alvarez landed illegal knees to Poirier's head, who was a downed opponent.
- ^ The result was overturned after Casey tested positive for elevated testosterone levels, but the change was lifted as Casey's "B" sample was confirmed negative.
Bonus awards
The following fighters were awarded $50,000 bonuses:
- Fight of the Night: Chase Sherman vs. Rashad Coulter
- Performance of the Night: Stipe Miocic and Jason Knight
by hula8.net