2024年8月17日BYB裸拳赛在威尔士公国首都卡迪夫举行BYB30大乱斗。本次赛事的焦点是这项运动历史上最受期待的对决之一,即不败的威尔士破坏机器 Barrie Jones 和三角拳之王 LT Smash Nelson。

8月17日星期六,BYB Extreme Bare Knuckle 30 Cardiff Brawl。这是 BYB 自今年春天收购英国 BKB 以来的首场欧洲表演,在座无虚席、充满活力的观众面前,许多威尔士当地明星都登台亮相。主赛是两位最优秀的赤手搏击选手争夺《警察公报》世界钻石超中量级冠军,冠军 Barrie Jones 对阵 LT Nelson。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html
UFC 老将 Jack Marshman 首次亮相赤手搏击,对阵 Carl Craig。KO 之王 Daniel Lerwell 重返 Trigon 对阵替补 David Calveley。Martin Reffell 在 BYB 18 的比赛中对阵 Ryan McCann,这是他对阵 Ryan McCann 的当晚最佳比赛。次中量级选手 Joe Fitzpatrick 和 Jonny Jones 展开激烈较量。Gareth Williams 和 Nathan Massey 将在轻重量级对决中相遇。乌克兰选手 Volodymyr Skurtu 对阵威尔士选手 Dorian Darch。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html
BYB 30 Cardiff Brawl
BYB bare knuckle makes it’s Welsh debut August 17th from the principality’s capital with BYB 30 the Cardiff Brawl. The event is headlined by one of the most anticipated match-ups in the sport’s history as the GOAT of bare knuckle, the undefeated Welsh wrecking machine Barrie Jones takes on the king of the trigon LT Smash Nelson. With 10 other mouth-watering bouts BYB 30 is not one to miss.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html
Location: Vale Sports Arena, Cardiff, Wales, UK文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html
Date: Saturday August 17, 2024文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html
BYB 30 Quick Results
- LT Nelson def Barrie JonesKO/TKO, R3
- Daniel Lerwell def Jay KerrKO/TKO, R1
- G. Williams def Nathan MasseyKO/TKO, 1:48 R1
- V. Skurtu def Dorian DarchKO/TKO, 1:35 R1
- J. Fitzpatrick def Johnny JonesKO/TKO, 3:00 R1
- Jack Marshman def Carl CraigKO/TKO, R1
- Martin Reffell def Ryan McCannKO/TKO,
- M. McDonough def Corey HealeyKO/TKO, R1
- Dan Matthews def Tony BarrattKO/TKO, 0:47 R1
- Troy Palmer def Charlie MilnerKO/TKO, R1
- Paul Hilz def Jonny LawsonUnanimous Dec
by hula8.net文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html 文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/73326.html