当地时间2024年7月13日BYB Extreme Fighting Series 28将在韦斯特威戈的阿拉里奥中心举办,这是其在路易斯安那州的首秀,这场历史性的比赛将以两场冠军争夺战为主要看点。赛后更新比赛视频。
头条主赛:冠军、前 UFC 老将“飓风”艾克·维拉纽瓦 (Ike Villanueva) 将与不败头号竞争者 5-0(5 次首轮 KO)的古斯塔沃“古巴刺客”特鲁希略 (Gustavo “The Cuban Assassin” Trujillo) 争夺 BYB 重量级冠军,还包括历史悠久的《警察公报》世界钻石腰带,该腰带的血统可追溯到伟大的约翰·L·沙利文 (John L. Sullivan)。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
联合主赛是前 BYB 女子轻量级冠军莫妮卡·梅迪纳对阵不败的海伦·佩拉尔塔,争夺首届 BYB 女子轻量级冠军。此外,英国明星詹姆斯·康纳利和马克·蒂芬将在美国展开较量,还有更多精彩内容。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
BYB Extreme Fighting Series, the modern-day originators of bare knuckle fighting in the US will host its Louisiana debut at BYB 28 Bourbon Street Brawl on Saturday, July 13 at the Alario Centerr in Westwego. The historic card will be headlined by two title fights. Champion and former UFC veteran "Hurricane" Ike Villanueva defends his BYB Heavyweight title against 5-0 (5 first round KOs) Gustavo "The Cuban Assassin" Trujillo. Also on the line for that fight is the historic Police Gazette World Diamond Belt, whose lineage traces back to the great John L. Sullivan文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
BYB's Louisiana debut will be headlined by undefeated champion “Hurricane” Ike Villanueva and undefeated #1 contender Gustavo “The Cuban Assassin” Trujillo facing off for both the BYB Heavyweight Championship and the historic Police Gazette World Diamond Belt.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
The co-main event will feature former BYB women’s lightweight champion Monica Medina against undefeated Helen Peralta for the inaugural BYB Women's Featherweight title.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
Plus, UK stars James Connelly and Mark Tiffin battle it out in the US, and much more.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
Former BYB Lightweight Champion Monica Medina (Biloxi, MS) and Helen Peralta (2-0) will battle for the inaugural BYB Featherweight title.文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
• Slidell, LA's Scott O'Shaughnessy takes on "The Butcher" Chad Kelly
• UK Champion James Connelly faces fellow Brit Mark Tiffin
• Opelousas, LA's Logan Speyrer makes his BYB debut against Ukraine's Oleksandr Sitarchuk
• Heavyweights Dylan Rush and Jay Fish face off
• Fan favorite JD Burns goes up against Rome Lindsay
• Adam Nash takes on Jonathan Cage Noah文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/naked-boxing/72905.html
WHAT: BYB 28: Bourbon Street Brawl
WHERE: John A. Alario Sr. Event Center (Alario Center), 2000 Segnette Blvd, Westwego, LA 70094
WHEN: Saturday, July 13, 2024, Doors Open at 6:00 PM CT, Bell Time 7:00 PM CT, Live Broadcast 7:30 PM CT
by hula8.net