2017年12月2日Mix Fight Gala 23 – 战报[视频]科尔、罗根·艾尔索领衔

当地时间2017年12月2日德国赛事Mix.Fight.Championship Gala 23(02 December 2017)在德国打响,本次赛事由罗根·艾尔索(Regian EERSEL)、恩里克-科尔(Enriko KEHL)领衔,罗根·艾尔索与对手Darryl SICHTMAN争夺金腰带,最终拿下腰带,而恩里克-科尔也击败俄罗斯对手Arbi Emiev获得比赛胜利,科尔对手比赛从2小时21分开始,罗根·艾尔索的比赛从2小时42分钟开始。【或两人比赛点我看

本次赛事除了大哥恩里克-科尔(Enriko KEHL),还有弟弟尤里-科尔(Juri KEHL)双双上阵,弟弟在第一局就TKO对手Victor Rusu,获得比赛胜利。哥哥自然大家都非常了解,而弟弟曾多次征战武林风赛事,与 2015年10月3日武林风对战赵春阳,对战张德政等选手。另外罗根·艾尔索也是多次参赛在武林风赛事。文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

2017年12月2日Mix Fight Gala 23 – 战报[视频]科尔、罗根·艾尔索领衔文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

MFC 23: 战报【备用视频】如下RESULTS


Undercard Results 文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

-72.5 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Johansen Baas (Germany) def. Kamran Diaza (Iran) by KO, 2nd rd文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

-95 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Rade Krulanovic (Montenegro) def. Kevin Saszik (Germany) by UD文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

-84 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Roman Hein (Germany) def. Omer Kocak (Turkey) by UD文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

-67 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Damian Johansen (Holland) def. Pavel Magureanu (Germany) by UD文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

+100 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Ueli Birchler (Switzerland) def. Emin Hasanovic (Serbia) by KO, 2nd rd文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

-69 kg, Boxing Rules: Fabrizio Robino (Italy) def. Hicham El Hajji (Morocco) by UD文章源自武享吧-https://hula8.net/boji/33963.html

Semifinal #1, -64.5 kg Championship Tournament, Kickboxing Rules

Jan Kaffa (Holland) def. Habash Antoine (Hungary) by SD

Semifinal #2, -64.5 kg Championship Tournament, Kickboxing Rules

Caner Kacar (Turkey) def. Joan M. Lique Canaveral (Columbia) by UD

-78.5 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Akam Tarageh (Iran) def. Charlie Feike (Germany) by UD

主赛Main Card 

Finals of the -64.5 kg Championship Tournament, Kickboxing Rules

Jan Kaffa (Holland) def. Caner Kacar (Turkey) by SD

-95 kg: Max van Gelder (Holland) def. Oskar Sokołowski (Poland) by UD

-68 kg, Muay Thai Rules, MFC Championship Fight

尤里-科尔Juri Kehl (Germany) def. Victor Rusu (Moldova) by TKO, 1st rd

-86 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Atakan Arslan (Turkey) def. Guilermo Blokland (Holland) by KO, 1st rd

-78.5 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Sergej Braun (Germany) def. Bartosz Zając (Poland) by UD

-70 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Hasan Toy (Turkey) def. Vang Moua (China) by UD

-75 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Arian Sadikovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) def. Erdi Sur (Turkey) by UD

+100 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Abdarhmane Coulibaly (France) def. Vladimir Tok (Germany) by UD

Co-Main Event, -72.5 kg, Kickboxing Rules

恩里克-科尔Enriko Kehl (Germany) def. Arbi Emiev (Russia) by UD

Main Event, -78.5 kg MFC Championship Fight, Kickboxing Rules

罗根·艾尔索Regian Eersel (Holland) def. Darryl Sichtman (Holland) by UD

-86 kg, Kickboxing Rules: Christian Eckerlin (Germany) def. Witold Myjak (Poland) by TKO (towel thrown), 2nd rd   【图文对阵也可点击右边→】


2017年12月2日Mix Fight Gala 23 – 战报[视频]科尔、罗根·艾尔索领衔2017年12月2日Mix Fight Gala 23 – 战报[视频]科尔、罗根·艾尔索领衔2017年12月2日Mix Fight Gala 23 – 战报[视频]科尔、罗根·艾尔索领衔

